
Swedish deathmetal band that lead singer killed himself
Swedish deathmetal band that lead singer killed himself

swedish deathmetal band that lead singer killed himself

That’s how some find their way to spirituality, enlightenment and break on through to the other side however some… and some of the bests in fact just kill themselves or so to say have killed themselves pointlessly, assuming they shouldn’t be alive anymore. As this continues, they tend to live in a little world of their own making and don’t even bother about what happens outside that illusory paradise. However, human beings that devote themselves to this art of making human emotions audible, also get caught in worldly matters of family, love & life some pursue the path to the unknown, in order to find out what the mysteries of nature and the universe have in store and distant themselves from the world in a quest to crack-open the unattainable like it’s no big deal! In such times, as any other human would do these talented artists spiral down into depression, finding refuge in alcohol, cigarettes, abusing drugs and getting hooked onto them for long, as it somehow makes them feel secure. For some, music is that which comes nearest to silence in terms of expressing the inexpressible for others it’s more like their body parts, like their ribs, kidneys, or even the heart! Well what I’m trying to put through is Music has been, is and perhaps will always be the only thing that gives soul to the universe at large, gives wings to our mind, flights to our imagination and the only true sense of freedom from the haywire world of ours.

Swedish deathmetal band that lead singer killed himself